The independence of Scotland from the "United" Kingdom would not just be a great first step towards the dismantling of the absurd, outdated, obsolete British "Empire" (in fact England, plus their ridiculous amount of dominated or influenced territories).

More specifically it could mean the greatest possible first step towards the abolition of BANK SECRECY and TAX HAVENS, because that is what the British crown essentially "Unites": the biggest cluster of Black Money machines of the world. The same Black Money that and finances wars, sustains dictators and stimulates political and corporate corruption, organized crime, violation of human rights, genocide and ecocide.
On a global scale, this British black money monopoly makes even territorial, historical or cultural issues actually insignificant.
As the Tax Justice Network puts it:
the United Kingdom with its satellite secrecy jurisdictions would be ranked first in the Fincancial Secrecy Index (FSI) by a large margin with a FSI score of 2162 or 3170, respectively (compared to 1765 for Switzerland). Note that this list excludes many British Commonwealth Realms where the Queen remains their head of state.
They forget to mention that many former British colonies*, surprisingly, have ended up being Tax Havens as well.
It is estimated that 30% of global wealth is hidden on Tax Havens. And it seems that half of that amount is under British total control or strong influence.